didn't take long for the children to start showing up......early. I didn't count
how many, but there were a lot. We handed the Children their gifts of clothing
and underwear. They were so appreciative and sweet. Later we gathered in the
church that looked like it was made from twigs, we did vacation bible school. I
heard Sio, John and some of the local kids did a great job acting out the story of
Zacheus. We had split up in two groups and I got to go with Uncle Tom for one
last journey down the bumpy roads in the back of the pickup truck. It was a
wonderful day visiting homesteads and bringing them gifts of clothes, oranges
and soap. You seriously can't even imagine how gratefull and excited they were
to receive theses gifts. It just made my heart melt. The people of Swaziland are
so beautiful, they are people of such amazing faith.

Waiting For Gifts

The GoGos and Me In Their Church
I fell in love with a little girl in a green shirt, she tugged at my skirt, held my
hand and I just picked her up and held her. At that point she tugged at my
heart, and I really just wanted to take her home. I will so miss the sweet
people of this community, especially the kids.
Ian McGraw provided the comedic part of the day when we stopped to provide
gifts to a woman who was leading a burro. We gave her gifts and she offered to
let Ian ride her Burro......that was the FUNNIEST thing I've ever seen!! He got
on and all was well, took about 6 steps and the poor Burro just collapsed
underneath Ian!! OMgosh, seriously, that was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Once we realized that the Burro was ok, and Ian too....we laughed so hard. Best
thing is, it was all caught on tape and hopefully appearing on some future
episode of Swazi's funniest home videos.
He suffers from a terrible addiction,
Well tomorow is LITSEMBA a celebration of hope that HFA started last year
and the King has now made it a National holiday. It wll take place in the
stadium,15000 kids are expected and we will give them each a pair of
shoes, blanket, warm beanie and lunch, most of the items have been
donated by people all over the world. There will be music, dance and
the king will be there. Only problem is I have to wear a skirt, its required
in the presence of the king. Ill post all about it tomorrow.
Back to sleep. I have to get up in an hour
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