The Litsemba celebration was held today at Somholo National Stadium
in Swaziland. Litsemba means hope. Litsemba was a wonderful event
for Orphans and vulnerable children to get to know God more.
We were given the duty of ushers at the south end of the stadium.
When we got there the children were already lining up, they came in
busses and even in the backs of utility vehicles and some walked long
distances alone. Before long the stadium was filled with about 12000
kids. They had all received beanis, blankets, bibles, orange juice and
snacks. The music and the speakers were great. Sky met a little girl
who spent the day with us, she evidently had walked there by herself.
She spent the day with sky until we found someone who could get her
safely home.

Skys New Friend
I met a 13 year old girl named Carol, she was beautiful and sweet with
a very pretty smile. She would bring her friends to meet me while I
was working the gate. She brought me her candy, then later broughtme her apple and her chips, I knew this was such a big deal, who
knows when she would get food like that again, but she unselfishly
gave it to me. At home it isn't a big deal to offer such things, do it all
the time at lunch, but I also know I can go to the cabinet or the fridge
and get some more. What a sacrifice for her to make, it was unbelievable!
When my work was complete, she came and spent some time with me in
the stands. She told me she knew God in her heart and she gave me her
ring and asked me to take it. I was brought to tears and stunned, all I
had to offer her was my heart for africa nametag and the sunglasses I
was wearing. She seemed very happy, I told her I wanted her to be able
to keep the sun out os her eyes. I can't express how touched I was by
Carol and all the other children that played with my hair, clung to me
and just wanted to be loved and hugged. It was a Legit day, that will
forever be in my heart. :)

My New Friend, Carol At Somholo Stadium
She gave us the only candy she had.

My Friends At Somholo Stadium

People Lining Up To Get In To Somholo Stadium

People In The Stands At Somholo Stadium
Mom and Her New Friends
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