Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Celebrating Litsemba
in Swaziland. Litsemba means hope. Litsemba was a wonderful event

Skys New Friend
I met a 13 year old girl named Carol, she was beautiful and sweet with
a very pretty smile. She would bring her friends to meet me while I
was working the gate. She brought me her candy, then later broughtme her apple and her chips, I knew this was such a big deal, who
knows when she would get food like that again, but she unselfishly
gave it to me. At home it isn't a big deal to offer such things, do it all
the time at lunch, but I also know I can go to the cabinet or the fridge
and get some more. What a sacrifice for her to make, it was unbelievable!
When my work was complete, she came and spent some time with me in
the stands. She told me she knew God in her heart and she gave me her
ring and asked me to take it. I was brought to tears and stunned, all I
had to offer her was my heart for africa nametag and the sunglasses I
was wearing. She seemed very happy, I told her I wanted her to be able
to keep the sun out os her eyes. I can't express how touched I was by
Carol and all the other children that played with my hair, clung to me
and just wanted to be loved and hugged. It was a Legit day, that will
forever be in my heart. :)

My New Friend, Carol At Somholo Stadium
She gave us the only candy she had.

My Friends At Somholo Stadium

People Lining Up To Get In To Somholo Stadium

People In The Stands At Somholo Stadium
Mom and Her New Friends
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Last Day Helping Our Community
didn't take long for the children to start showing up......early. I didn't count
how many, but there were a lot. We handed the Children their gifts of clothing
and underwear. They were so appreciative and sweet. Later we gathered in the
church that looked like it was made from twigs, we did vacation bible school. I
heard Sio, John and some of the local kids did a great job acting out the story of
Zacheus. We had split up in two groups and I got to go with Uncle Tom for one
last journey down the bumpy roads in the back of the pickup truck. It was a
wonderful day visiting homesteads and bringing them gifts of clothes, oranges
and soap. You seriously can't even imagine how gratefull and excited they were
to receive theses gifts. It just made my heart melt. The people of Swaziland are
so beautiful, they are people of such amazing faith.

I fell in love with a little girl in a green shirt, she tugged at my skirt, held my
hand and I just picked her up and held her. At that point she tugged at my
heart, and I really just wanted to take her home. I will so miss the sweet
people of this community, especially the kids.
Ian McGraw provided the comedic part of the day when we stopped to provide
gifts to a woman who was leading a burro. We gave her gifts and she offered to
let Ian ride her Burro......that was the FUNNIEST thing I've ever seen!! He got
on and all was well, took about 6 steps and the poor Burro just collapsed
underneath Ian!! OMgosh, seriously, that was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Once we realized that the Burro was ok, and Ian too....we laughed so hard. Best
thing is, it was all caught on tape and hopefully appearing on some future
episode of Swazi's funniest home videos.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Back To School
the garden with the help of a couple of youg men and women from the
community, which looked great.
The rest of our team went out into the comunity with pastor Rainy.
We stopped at a school that had 82 kids of all ages. The school was
in an old abandoned church, with broken windows, dirt floors and
only 2 tables and maybe 20 chairs. It was so sad. We decided very
quickly that this is the place for the school supplies we brought.
We handed out a t-shirt to each child. They were donated by Heart
For Africa, Michael Crews and Kroc kids , yes they were wearing
Michael Crews shorts in Swaziland. They were so appreciative
and polite, 80% of these kids were double orphans. We left there
in the back of the pickup and went to vist a family where both of
the parents have Aids. Sio, Ian, Cisco and Annie went to speak
with them, but they weren't home.

Driving Brothers Home
We loaded up the truck to visit with a widow with 4 children,
they lived way up a mountain. I was shocked at how they lived,
I mean it was sadder than anything I had ever seen. They had
was a very used Bible with plenty of pen and highlighter marks, but
We loaded up the truck with the preacher lady and moved on up the

Sio's Zacheus Out Of the Blue Story
We went to meet the rest of our team to head back to the hotel (2 1/2 hours).
Along the way we met a gogo who had come to help plant the seedlings.
She was old and spoke no english. A gogo is a grandmother. One of ourteam, Tom told us that she had made them sweet potatoes to share for
lunch. Those potatoes were probably all she had and she shared her
meal with them. When we were leaving she was sitting infront of her
hut, it was getting cold and looked like rain. My Mom took off her purple
fleece jacket and gave it to her. She was so happy, she rubbed her face
in the fabric and wept. It wasn't fancy and, probably a litlle dirty from
riding down the dirt road, but to her it was a treasure.
.....like Sio said....A WOW day

GoGo With New Fleece
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Lions and Hippos and Giraffes, Oh My.......

Safari Mobile

Unknown Species
Monday, July 19, 2010
A Long Day Of Adventure
by 7. We had a two and half hour bus ride this morning to a remote
community in Swaziland. But, before we could get there, we were
pulled over by the police, and our support truck driver locked the
keys in the truck. We finally met up with Rainey who was the pastor
of the church. She explained where she wanted her garden planted.
Rainey is an amazing women with the face of an Angel, she is an
angel. Her garden feeds all the orphans in her community.. We left
part of our team there to plant and the rest of us headed to teach
vacation bible school. We were told it was just 5 miles up the road
and we would not be able to take the comvie. We only could get
there by truck, so we all squished ourselfs in the truckbed of this
pickup along with 2 nuns from Taiwan and the pastor. We went up
the narliest roads, and through a river to get to this place that was
just 5 miles down the road....ha! We finally reached our destination
feeling a little beatup from our short 5 mile trip up the road. We
were expecting 50 kids and ended up with 271. They were all
amazing, beautiful kids that were so excited to see us. We didn't have
enough supplies for so many children, so with our leader, Sio's great
direction we did a quick verson of" Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat" the musical. Some of us on this trip had just done this
show in the winter in San Diego. Shaun McGraw was Joseph. It was
amazing! The kids sang with us and prayed with us. We then went to
another school and sang with 35 other teeny little guys in a school
that looked like it was made out of sticks.
asked us to visit a woman who had just lost her husband, she was now A
widow with 4 children. We prayed with her and gave her part of our lunches
along with a bag of oranges that had been grown at project Canaan. She was
to remain in her mourning hut for 30 days, we prayed with her.

Another story that made my heart cry was a little 3 year old boy we found wandering down the road. People in town said his mom would leave him and his sister home everyday. This little boy was left to care for his 2 year old sister.
These are just a few of the stories we left with today.

I will never forget this day! It will be forever in my heart. The children chasing our truck for over a mile. The children singing us songs about Jesus. Their FAITH and love for God is amazing. They have so little, yet have so much.....GOD! I would really love to take them all home with me, but knowing that's impossible, well.....it leaves me with a feelng that there is so much to do for these amazing kids. Who am I to ever complain or gripe?? I will never forget the children chasing the comvie, they happily chased after us for over a mile. That image and their faces will be with me forever. We went there to teach, and I left feeling like I was the one who learned so much! I feel so blessed for having spent the day with Gods precious children. Can't wait to see them again on Wednesday and I really wished I woud have brought another suitcase full of school supplies, they need so much!

Sunday, July 18, 2010
First Day At Project Canaan
Project Canaan. It was beautiful!! It was on the top of a hill with an
amazing view, it was so peaceful. Very meaningful service, they spoke of
Aids and one man spoke that he was deliberately given aids and has had it
for 18 years, he now helps people with aids all over Swazi. It made me sad
to hear how affected Swaziland has been by the aids virus. I always knew
this was true , but it really hit home.
Project Canaan is a place of HOPE for the children who are left parentless
due to aids. It is a beautiful 2500 acre farm that a year ago was just brush.
They are getting ready to build beautiful housing for children and Babies
to live. The farm will provide them with food and have plenty left over to
Saturday, July 17, 2010

I also realized that planes aren't the only means of transportation that can have turbulence, busses can to???.
We got to our hotel, and ran to the shopping Market before they closed. My Mom finally got her shopping fix! They were the sweetest people who literally plead for you to please, please look at their stuff. It was very hard for me to say "No" to all those sweet faces. AS we were walking back to the hotel, my Uncle Mike was our protector, making sure we were aware of our surroundings. Hmmmmmm.....Uncle Mike....our hero! Thanks Sio for helping us find our way back to the hotel;). Well its 8:15 and I'm beat, gotta get up bright and early to attend the dedication to the new chapel at "project Canaan", can't wait! God Bless!
Making Good Use of Our Time
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Airport Smiles
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
All Packed

Going to sleep for a few hours, long day tomorrow. My bags are packed and I'm excited! I baked cookies to share for our private party on airplane. That's all a girl can do for so many hours.
We will be flying from San Diego to DC, then to South Africa. 18 to 20 hours of flying then we will spend the night in South Africa before heading to Swaziland.
I wish my dad was going to help with the 175 pounds of bags.
I can't wait.
God Bless everyone. Sleep tight